Shree Shankar Mishthan Bhandar

Tonk Road, Jyoti Nagar
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Rated 1.0 by Thefoodiepanda

Located at a very prime location, there's nothing special about this place! They serve samosa and kachori for Rs 5/- each,but okay let's talk about how healthy they might be! They use the same oil over and over again. Bread pakoras, mirchi bada and everything else has a same story and they're tasteless. Might as well be the same condition with the sweets that i didn't dare to try.


Rated 3.0 by Yash Bhavnani

It's a small sweet and namkin shop around the corner of Gandhi Nagar mod. The sweets are good and the namkin is too. You just need to check that they are fresh. The samosa, mirch bada, bread pakora are all ok, nothing great about them. They make them in the morning and store them the entire day and warm them in a microwave and serve it which is very unhealthy. Although, This food isn't really healthy in any way :) but it becomes dangerous to consume after it has been in a microwave.


Rated 3.0 by FitFoodieMegha

Replica of Shankar Mishthan Bhandar at Gandhi Nagar Corner!   Easy to locate as it is on a very prime location at Gandhinagar.  Everything is good here but not as authentic as Shankar Mishtan Bhandar, People might get confused and assume this shop as the one serving famous dal kachoris. But it is just one of many shops who take the advantage of the brand "Shankar".  Though they serve Kachoris, Samosas at a very low price, as low as Rs.5 but you won't get the taste.   Better to go for the authentic taste just near by this shop- "Shankar Mishthan Bhandar" and have the most authentic and yummy Dal Kachori..